Charles and Maria Bill - 2008

Chuck and Maria Bill moved to Okemos in 1992. Their children have attended Okemos Public Schools and the oldest is now in his first year at The University of Michigan. In addition to the excellent academic programs, they feel fortunate that their children are involved in the choral and theatrical programs. Maria earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing (1987) at The University of Miami. She was a pediatric nurse at Jackson Memorial Hospital for eight years and was the associate head nurse of a pediatric unit when she left Florida to take care of her own children and husband in Okemos. In addition to volunteering at Cornell Elementary, she has been the Hospitality Chairperson for the past 4 years at Chippewa Middle School and is serving her second year as Okemos High School PTO co-president. Chuck received his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and Chemistry from Western Illinois University in 1973. He received his Ph.D. in Anatomy from The University of Kansas Medical Center in 1978. After a postdoctoral fellowship at The University of Michigan, he attended Michigan State University where he graduated from medical school in 1985. Upon completion of his residency in neurological surgery at The University of Miami, he joined the neurosurgical group here in Lansing. Chuck is head of the section of Neurosurgery at Sparrow Hospital. He is a lecturer at Michigan State University and teaches residents in Neurology, General Surgery and Emergency Medicine. His group heads the local chapter of Think First, a national organization for the prevention of injury, and they also support the Greater Lansing Food Bank. In addition to supporting the Okemos Public School system, Chuck and Maria are strong supporters of Michigan State University, their own alma maters and Interlochen Center for the Arts.


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