APPLE Award Reasons and Messages to Staff
When you purchase an APPLE Award, you can tell the OEF what to write on your award.
Every APPLE Award is special because it represents a personal note of appreciation for a job well done. Here are some of the award “reasons” that are especially heartfelt:
Justin Turner, Kinawa: “Thank you for making me a better person.”
Michelle Beck, Cornell: “Thank you for always believing in me and for letting me be me!”
Mary Braun, OHS: “for being a great teacher in Psychology and Latin.
And a friend to all students. You really do care and make a difference! I learned so much this year.
I will miss you. Thank you for all you do!”
Rachel Freeman-Baldwin, OHS: “for constantly making an effort to better the lives of her students and for making everyone feel loved. She is so dedicated and truly embodies what it means to be a role model and an amazing human in general.”
Patricia Trelstad, Deputy Superintendent, retired: “for her passion for education, her dedication to the profession, and her support for all children and teachers within Okemos Public Schools.”
Jennifer Garmon, OHS: “You believed in me. You made class work for me. And according to my Mom, you gave her hope again too.”
Christine Batora, OPM at Central: “Being so inspiring and challenging me and the class with so many cool projects. She is an AWESOME teacher!”
Larry Erdman, OHS: “challenging students to think beyond their current world view, and for treating all students with respect.”
Tom Hopper, Chippewa: “for being an outstanding teacher whose passion and enthusiasm for his career and his students is a gift to OPS and to our daughter, specifically.”
Tim Case, Kinawa: “He helps kids during difficult times. Thank you for making my time at Kinawa easier.”