In-School Bowling Sets - Elementary PE Classrooms - 2021
The Elementary Physical Education Team is very thankful to purchase new sets of Bowling Lanes! They are excited to purchase their own Bowling sets to have on hand which they utilize within each elementary school (Hiawatha, Cornell, OPM at Central Montessori, and Bennett Woods). The bowling set comes with ten pins per lane, a twenty foot carpet mat, a rubber bowling ball, and an extra-large carry bag to support all the equipment. The In-School Bowling program is a cross curricular unit that includes mathematics when calculating scores, English skills when reading the signs for traveling amongst the bowler, score keeper, pin setter, and ball returner rotation, as well as Physical Literacy. Bowling improves underhand throwing skills, concentration, focus and target work, math, and computing (when calculating strikes and spares), teamwork and communication. This $989 grant will greatly enrich our curriculum as we encourage students to be healthy and physically active citizens of society. Thank you again, Okemos Education Foundation, for helping us support our students!